When you can't sleep, it can get ugly....
2006-05-18 // 3:39 a.m..

Okay. I SO should not be up at this hour.

Some facts about me, when I cannot sleep at night:

1) I think late night TV sucks, but I watch it anyway. (they call that background noise, but still)

2) I am SUCH a download whore for The Sims 2 stuff... more more More MOOOORRRRE!!

3) I end up yakking with friends and sharing stupid 'viral videos' (things you share the second someone else shared them with you- just wait and see.) with them. This is the one from tonight- share it:

Llama Llama Cheesecake!

4) I play The Sims 2, and end up doing STRANGE things... witness "See Sim Run" and be a-feared. It's called "the Asylum challenge" and it has just begun... or will, in a week or so. ;)

5) I usually end up teaching my Service Dog some stupid new trick. (this can take a while... I love her, but she's 'tupid. ;) heh.) Today it was 'kiss the foot!' ...I don't know why. I taught her to lick her foot on command. Why that would be useful, I have NO idea. I think I'm just having fun with the fact that her 'give kisses!' command (which really means, 'nudge or lick gently that spot I am pointing at' is funn when she kisses herself. *bawhwhahahahahaha*

6) I often end up websurfing for something, and going to site after site after site, till I dunno WHERE I found something like THIS. Why yes, it does scare me, why do you ask? O:)

7) I learn WIERD facts from watching late night TV... like this one: Did you know that almost all (lead) buckshot/birdshot is made from recycled car batteries? That would be why it's more toxic than 'lead' should be. It almost ALWAYS contains high levels of toxins from the batteries and recycling procedures. Who knew? (who cared... who'd use lead on an animal you were gunna EAT anyway? use steel shot, or don't shoot at things.)

8) I have a moment, and must go re-watch former things friends have showed me. For THIS. I blame The Cap'n. (See item number 3, as a matter of a fact...)

9) I am a chronic 'listmaker'... I often make lists of things do to, or stickey notes with reminders, or shopping lists when I cannot sleep. (This does not mean I DO those things, mind you- oh no. It takes more than a sticky note to move this body on a hot day...)

10) I ponder snacks. I ponder them, because if I ATE them, I would be TWICE the size I am now. MMmmm. Right now I am craving ice cream, after a BIG dinner of REAL barbeque (a chunk of flesh cooked down to bits!) and a BIG bowl of chicken Gumbo... MMMM. yummy. ...note, that I am not eating this. I am eating a bowl of bran flakes. for my 'health'. *hrmf*

Tag, you're it...

What ten things do YOU do when you can't sleep? (or are 'bored' if that doesn't apply...)

Listening to: The Cap'n typing and mouse-clicking madly. Hmmmm
Consuming: Cola, as usual anymore... tsk. bad me.
Today my t-shirt should read: I can't sleep. The penguins will eat my toes.

2 comments so far
l'empress - 2006-05-18 11:35:16
If you lie down on your bed -- or a nearby couch or whatever -- and just listen to television, trying to visualize whatever it is that's one, it may put you to sleep. You can use an old movie, or Game Show Network, or anything that is mildly interesting -- 'cause you do have to listen.
golfwidow - 2006-05-19 13:14:03
1. Count sheep, but don't count them jumping over a fence. I usually count them climbing up a playground ladder, then sliding down the slide. It's fun, and vaguely relaxing. 2. Crossword puzzles do a good job, if you don't have arthritis in your hands. If you do, you're effed.

Before + After

The Cabin-Boy wanders off again. - 2006-06-15
She's gotta be the Cap'n's Baby NOW! - 2006-06-03
Unpack your Adjectives! - 2006-05-30
IT has arrived. - 2006-05-25
Stolen and Abused... - 2006-05-22

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