And now, for something meaningless. I blame you.
2005-05-04 // 10:09 a.m..

Today is the day of wierdness.

I refuse to write anything actually meaningful here, because the only meaningful things going on in my life right now, are too wierd to write anyway. Go figure.

So Lets start with some stupid tests:

You are

Great. We all need a little more CANCER in our lives... feh.


American Cities That Best Fit You:

70% Seattle

65% Denver

65% Las Vegas

60% Austin

60% Honolulu

Huh. It should come as no surprise that I LIVE in Seattle... but puh-lease... we're considering one of those little cities out in the nowhere. I wanna build my own home, and too many building rules and regulations crimp that. hrmf.

Your Irish Name Is...

Ciaran O'Callaghan

Huh. I'll keep that in mind, if I ever decide to move to Ireland and 'go native'...

Your Inner European is French!

Smart and sophisticated.

You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so.

The Cap'n would agree. Hrmf.

Your Seduction Style: The Natural

You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.
Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.
You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!
People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.

Hmmmmm... you'll have to ask Him about THAT though... >:)

Your Penis Name is: 100% All-beef Thermometer


Oh I am SO not commenting on that.

It's Not Sex. It's ... :
Zwooshing the Swoosh

Hmmmm... I kind of like that. Although I prefer "boinking" as a term, myself.


Your Stripper Name is: Scandal

If I started Stripping, it WOULD be a scandal... and the name would probably really be: "he who provokes sporks to leap into the hands of watchers to make them sightless against the evil that IS the Scandal....naked... *shudder*"

Yes. The *shudder* would be mandatory.

But hey... why not go one step further...

Your Porn Star Name is: Jason Jizzy

Grooooossssssssss... hrmf. I object.

Maybe if I use my middle name...

Your Porn Star Name is: Rod Steel

Ah, much better. Yes. (ahem) Much more... studly. *snicker*

Of course, now I am jealous.

Women can get Boobie-names.

I have MAN Boobies.

I have MAN Boobies that are a sight to behold.

MAN Boobies that are a wonder unto themselves.

Admit it.

You're jealous too.

We should name them:

Your Boobies' Names Are: Thelma and Louise

Why am I not surprised.


When your Man-Boobies are suicidal and on the warpath, you need to lose wieght.

Yep. It's a fact.

I could always become a drag queen...

Your Drag Queen Name is: Felicia Fellatio

Mmmmmm, No.

I think I'll just stay home and make lunch for my left hand instead... you can never go wrong there, right?

Perhaps I should Ask Obi-Wan ...

Your Star Wars Masturbation Method Is:
Test Firing the Death Star

It has a nice ring to it, after all...

Nah... I think I'll just pick him up from work, offer him dinner, and a good pick up line... what would be a good pick up line....?

To pick up The Capn: Seriously honey - sex is like pizza. Even if it's bad it's still pretty darn good.

Uhm. Or maybe not...

I guess all the silly quizzes and lack of actual content today begs the final 'quiz' question... "What kind of Blogger are You?"

You Are a Pundit Blogger!

Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.
Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few


The fact that I don't get it, may well say everything about today's post... everything... and nothing at all...

Go Figure.

Listening to: The dog, boofing at the mailman. (rolls eyes)
Consuming: Coca Cola, like i'm not supposed to.
Today my t-shirt should read: I blame you. (I didn't say it was actually your fault.... I just said I was going to BLAME you....)

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Before + After

The Cabin-Boy wanders off again. - 2006-06-15
She's gotta be the Cap'n's Baby NOW! - 2006-06-03
Unpack your Adjectives! - 2006-05-30
IT has arrived. - 2006-05-25
Stolen and Abused... - 2006-05-22

moon phases

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