She's gotta be the Cap'n's Baby NOW!
2006-06-03 // 5:56 p.m..

So everyone knows about THE 'Grab The Brass Ring' project.... yes? (if you don't, read back. G'head. I'll wait.)

Ah. So, See? It's a whole new world (insert magical, swelling concert music here) for us both.

For one, it means we have to find a house with room for a horse.

Especially since we now OWN one... heh heh heh heh.


OOoohhh... no no no... she isn't staying IN the apartment. Oh no. They have covered parking you know.

(pauses for effect)

NO, we rented a pasture for her, SILLY! She's in a happy, wonderful land of horsie bliss with a new mini-herd to cavort with for a while... while we get her feet trimmed up, save for and buy a saddle, and otherwise get her into condition for next year's breeding season.

The JOY is immesureable.

The GLEEFUL expressions around here are glowing.

The checkbook is GROANING... *chortle*

There will be no new car for the Cap'n and the Cabin-boy... but there is STILL Joy in Whoville... so to speak.

I just thought I would SHARE the happy day with everyone here, and post at least a picture-



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Listening to: The horseraces, of course! It's Saturday!
Consuming: LOTS of fluids. WOW is it HOT out, for the pacific northwest....
Today my t-shirt should read: I know. I might as well stand in the field and tear up 20$ bills... --The Cap'n.

1 comments so far
Poolagirl - 2006-06-05 00:43:29
What a gorgeous horse! I am so happy for you!

Before + After

The Cabin-Boy wanders off again. - 2006-06-15
She's gotta be the Cap'n's Baby NOW! - 2006-06-03
Unpack your Adjectives! - 2006-05-30
IT has arrived. - 2006-05-25
Stolen and Abused... - 2006-05-22

moon phases

flying_atlatl got their Neopet at

I sent that Man of Hers to get his golf on This egg hatches on 04/05/06! Adopt one today! This egg hatches on 04/05/06! Adopt one today! This egg hatches on 04/05/06! Adopt one today! This egg hatches on 04/05/06! Adopt one today! This egg hatches on 04/05/06! Adopt one today!